Final Impact is an apocalyptic survival tale. It follows the tropes of many books in the genre, detailing the events of a diverse group of survivors forced to work together to survive. However, unlike many books in the genre, which often times have EMP events (whether man caused or an extreme solar event) the reason the world is in peril is a mass asteroid. Yes we’ve seen this before in many films (Deep Impact/ Armageddon) but I can’t say I’ve read many books with the asteroid focus. The story starts a short time after several smaller asteroids impact the country and focuses on a small diverse group of survivors attempting to get from Vegas to Florida, where a chance at salvation awaits. It’s a pretty decent story, though not without some flaws, and entertained me from start to finish. I’d actually give it a 3.5 if Audible allowed half stars, but since I thought it was better than merely average I had to round up. This is the first time I’ve read/listened to a book by Jack Hunt, but I’ve looked at his catalog on Amazon and can already tell I’ll be checking out some of his other work.

The book is narrated by Kevin Pierce, and as always he does a fantastic job. I so identify his voice with survival fiction that even when I am reading a survival book on my kindle, it’s his voice I hear in my head.

I received a copy of this audio title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.