I really loved this action packed story, but even with all the action, we get plenty of backstory on who the main players are, and what makes Mad Mick, Ragus, and Barb tick without feeling force fed. The story itself is not new… a father’s daughter is kidnapped, and he will do anything to get her back… Ragus is an added treat… a boy who’s feels indebted to Mad Mick, and maybe, just maybe he’s a little sweet on Barb, this is his chance to show what he’s made of as he helps in the search… and Barb, well she’s quite possibly more than the kidnappers bargained for. Is it geat literature? No, probably not… but who the hell cares? it’s just so damn much fun!
This is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of listening to Kevin Pierce, and I love his voice… He joins the ranks of my top 3 favorite narrators… These are the narrators who could read a doctoral thesis on string theory and I’d actually enjoy it!