A fun space litrpg. The MC is a kid finishing school who is conscripted into a space war via brain upload into a humanoid android being that develops using an RPG style system. Sword play, lasers, mechs, gigantic creatures, intrusive AI. What’s not to love?

I enjoyed the breath of the game system but wanted to hear a bit more about the MCs choices. Due to the storyline the MC moved very quickly without getting able time to work out his character options except for a general concept he works toward. In other litrpg I’ve read characters can sometimes labor over their build choices. Some people want more character sheet, some will be happy with less. It’s a style choice.

The story steadily progressed without much lull. The MCs situation is found to be more and more complicated as he learns about himself and the game system. I liked the pace overall.

The MC gets unique advancement and abilities compared to peers, but we don’t get to revel in his accomplishments long because he’s always immediately put in over his head after he’s had any growth. This drives the development, and will keep listeners who dislike OP MCs happy I’d imagine.

I’m excited to see where this story goes from here!