I’ve found that it’s usually around book 3 of books with this many entries that the author finds a plot to span multiple titles and this one is no different. These books are fun, but nowhere near thorough enough to fully satisfy me. I picked them up as a Dresens Files alternative and though these are similar, they just dont fully scratch my itch. Maybe it’s just that I read Butcher first but hes also far more thorough with his plots and character development.
These books remind me of the The Hallows series(also recommended to replace Dresden files) in that the characters TALK about kicking ass but never actually throw down. Laz only uses his Horseman power to see souls apparently and he’ll grab one about once per book. The other times he’s fighting it’s a force blow from his staff maybe twice then he’s gassed…after repeatedly saying how he could cut loose with his necromancy. His innate power seems more likely to kill HIM than anyone else as that’s all it’s done previously and the Pale Horseman schtick means he literally has to touch you which barely anyone has been dumb enough to do.
I like the characters although I wished they were more fleshed out other than characatures or other tropes ( Badass, tough as nails Emma who never does badass stuff) and the fact that Laz talks about them like hes known them for years even though it’s barely been a few months throughout the first three books. I’ll pick them up in between other books as fodder since I DO like the Laz’s personality and there is tons of room to play with the plot that was hinted at. Narration for females is limited and he has a few ways to differentiate between the males but he gets the attitude of the writing so I can look past that.
These ARE fun books, just STOP comparing them to Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files.
Review from Shallow Grave →