So the author starts with a nice, “it’s not all bad in a post apocalyptic world” premise. And he does hit some high notes in his series. There are some very funny scenes and social commentary such as his description of the natural conclusion of a hyper liberal “everone gets a trophy” society. (except for the slaves. no trophies for slaves, only bears.) Enforced Enlightenment has a down side… which he absolutely nails. However, the books can’t decide if they are to be funny, or dark. They seem clumsily written. The characters are written out of the picture way too abruptly, or meaningless bickering between idiots carries on way too long. One argument between morons lasts at least 3 minutes. Was this done just to get the word count up to some minimum in order to please a publisher? I hate that! And the hero is a clutz one minute and amazing the next. Schizophrenic? And why end on such a dark note, especially with a gut wound that every civil ear era physician knew was fatal, even with treatment? The book had such promise, but that promise sadly goes unfulfilled.