Funkmaster Frank and the Green Moon Hate

Have you ever wanted a buddy cop movie that does a deep dive on MMO raid mechanics? Do you like it when an MC seems initially shallow but grows over the course of a book, or at least shows more facets of himself as the store goes along? Do you like a VR simulation story where none of the protagonists fall in love with random strings of code while a particular string of AI code falls in love with all of the protagonists?

There is pretty good world building. Although initially skeptical, I came to like the MC over the course of the book. While I haven’t played world of Warcraft since the early days, the descriptions of several of the complicated battles that happen made me feel like I was on an epic tier raid. At the heart of the book, is the relationship between the MC and his axe, Frank. While Frank is a by turns psychotic, needy, and totally lacking in self-awareness, he is also funny and warm and the relationship with him forms a lot of the charm of this book.