A trilogy by Harmon Cooper set in his ever-expanding Proxima galaxy is a fun escape that is quickly paced and excellently narrated. This is a revenge story that turns into a quest to save the very world our protagonists inhabit. Harmon Cooped sets up specific rule sets and unique aspects to the different games or worlds within his Proxima galaxy. In Unigaea death is permanent and after being brutally murdered by a guild of roving murderers, he crafts his next characters life with the sole pursuit of getting revenge.
From this jump off point we get introduced to Unigaea and all the crazy people Oric Rune meets, works with and kills. The first book introduces us to most of the main characters and starts the world building and the bones for the grand quest beyond just revenge. The second book has Oric battling an internal struggle to decide if revenge is what is important or trying to save the Unigaea world. The third book takes us through to the end of the story and the repercussions for things Oric has or hasn’t chosen to do in the previous books.
The narration by Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott is absolutely amazing. I have always been a huge fan of Jeff Hays’ work, and now that he has expanded his Soundbooth Theatre to using other voice actors it has really helped push the narration even further. All of the characters have distinct voices, and Jeff and Annie play very well off each other and make you completely absorbed in their telling of the story.
A fun and fairly short series that has a conclusion and leaves the door open to possibly pick up a new series or see some of these characters in the other series. If you like Harmon Cooper of enjoy LitRPGs check this out.
I received a copy of this audio title in exchange for an unbiased review