As a fan of creature flicks, and with Deep Blue Sea being one of my guilty pleasures, I should have loved Hotel Megalodon. Should have but I didn’t. I idea of the story while hardly original was definitely fun, which is exactly what I want in this kind of book. An underwater hotel that gets attacked by a Megalodon. Great setting. Fun creature. Interesting if stereotypical cast of characters. Unfortunately things go downhill not long after the ‘action’ starts. None of the characters react anywhere near realistically…even movie-suspension-of-disbelief believable. Giant shark attacking and destroying the hotel and yet there are few people panicking? Some of the trapped guests seemed more annoyed with the lack of air conditioning than the fact that they’d been trapped in a sinking/flooding hotel with a giant shark just waiting to eat them. Then there is the lack of actual action. Even as the hotel is flooding, it never feels like there is a sense of urgency. And they never really ‘attack’ the shark or try to. The book is billed as a ‘deep seas thriller’ but lacks anything thrilling. I hate to write negative reviews, but like I said at the start, I wanted and should have loved this one. It might make for a fun SyFy movie if it was rewritten to included some actual action. On the plus side, Andrew Tell does his usual excellent job with the narration.
Review from Hotel Megalodon →