This is a fantastic start to a new series written by Cassandra Featherstone, the “Misfit Protection” series. The story grabbed my attention right from the start and captivated it the entire time. Jolene Whitley always wanted to work in the behavioral unit in the FBI, despite her schooling and worldly experience, they did not want her, all because of circumstances of her childhood, though they would not explain what those were. So, it was time to return to her childhood home back in Whistler’s Hollow to see find out what those circumstances may be. Her parents are no longer alive, but she still has her childhood home and all their belongings. This book lays down the foundation for the series, it is a cleverly plotted, fast-paced story with plenty of drama, humor, some mystery, heartfelt emotions and steamy romance. Cassandra Featherstone, thank you for the fabulous story and wild ride, I am looking forward to see where all this leads, with the men, the animals and the circumstances why Jolene did not get her dream job at the FBI.

🎧📚🎧 And for the wonderful narration, Maggie Indara is a talented narrator and versatile voice artist. She performs the voices for all the characters, gives each their own distinct sound, making it easy to follow along and tell who is who. Her portrayal of the characters is spot on, and she has a complete understanding of each of their personas and is believable in every role. She plays Jolene’s role with perfection, grasps all sides of her personality, brings out all her sass and strengths and handles her witty dialogue naturally. Maggie Indara sets the perfect tone for the story, captures all the characters’ emotions and projects them in to her performance. She is an entertaining storyteller and a pleasure to listen to. Thank you for the fabulous listen.

Thank you @PinkFlamingoProductions @AudiobookObsession TheFlock AudiobookObsessionReviewer🎧