I really like the originality of the world and the unique classes and reveals of powers and character evolutions. Having monsters be the protagonist in a litRPG world is a fantastic concept and fun to be a part of. And Jeff Hays slays it again and is a fantastic narrator!

But, all those great things are overshadowed by the overt sexualization of every single female character and use both violence and rape as a development motivator. This feels like it’s a crutch that the author is using to progress the books versus further building the world through more relevant and relatable descriptive language that creates a more tangible and immersive universe. Furthermore, I can’t subscribe to the idea that sexual abuse and torture will transform characters into more well-balanced individuals. You can have monsters do monstrous things yet make sure that the audience understands that this is not acceptable or “good” in anyway. The abuse in this book comes cross as “acceptable and positive”. I’m just disappointed in the author using rape and trauma as a misogyny-laden kick in the face to move the story forward. This book feels like the author is writing their own fanfiction. (and not in a good way)

C’mon Neven… you’re better than this.