This is a fun book. After discovering this type of book with Dungeon Crawler Carl I wanted to give this one a try and since, it has the same narrator that I really enjoyed I decided to go for it.

In a few words, this book is kinda like a novel version of Oglaf. With lot’s of absurd stuff in a magical world.

Just like DCC this is an “offensive” book, lots of very graphic content and swearing. I personally don’t mind that. Some review mention the “torture scenes” which is non sense IMO. The character in question is a demon and while it would make no sense for a human to be into the things this demon likes… Why project this mystical character in the real world?

So yeah all and all, it’s a fun read. The main character is hum, not the most interesting so far but I suspect that book 2 will change that so I’m going to give it a shot.