Watch out what you wish for. When the gods and mythical creatures started coming out, people did not consider how that would affect them. Years ago MORTAL was formed to oversee the things that go bump in the night. Welcome to the organization the new recruits, Jessie DeLeon-honest to a fault, Cassandra Cross (Cassy) – the sexy perfectionist, and Eric (R-B orArby) Decaon – the intellectual. Jessie DeLeon is the rookie P.O., Cassy and Arby are long standing partners. They all have been recruited by Detective Sergeant, James Messer and his elfin partner Gabby Their first case is to save the world and avoid an elfin invasion in two days, while simultaneously learning to work together as a group.

With a plethora of major and minor deities and mythical creatures our team brings the action adventure, and smarts to make an exciting story that is hard to put down. The humor is great and the characters are enjoyable. I hope there is a book 2.