This is book 2 in Dragon Mage series and it is definitely a great book. I recommend starting with book 1 as this book has a lot of things that would not be understood without it. That said…WOW. Sometimes series have a strong first book and then each subsequent book is lackluster. Not here. This book is loaded with action, break-outs, break-ins, blossoming friendships, some heartache, evil doers, and definitely Charlie saying “what could go wrong” or “how could it get worse” at LEAST once…and we all know what happens when Charlie says this. Yes: poop spells.

Once again we get to hear detailed, but not over-described worlds that Charlie and his gang get to/are forced to visit. As a newly bought gladiator, Charlie finds himself back with his old friend Tuktuk (probably spelled wrong, since ya know, I listened to the audio not the print version) who is the chef their shared employer….owner…master. We get to meet Leila and the Wempah that Charlie oh-so-gallantly saved in book 1. Between the aliens, Magic, wizards, vampires, dragons, coffee, and of course the blundering Charlie, this book has everything I wanted. It even tied itself up at the end nicely, while still being wide open for more adventures. To top it off, we get all this without even having one single sex scene – which is once again refreshing. Thank you, Scott Baron!

As before, narrator Gary Bennett gives us a stellar performance. He brings life, personality and emotion to this book and it’s characters.

This is one of my favorite book series.