I loved listening to this book and at some point will listen to again. Part of the reason that I want to listen to the book again is due to the narrators. Mr. Clarke and Ms. Puckett did a great job in helping me imagine who Arrow and Salem are and what they are feeling.

Our narrators are the ones that brought life to what our author has written. By listening to Ms. Puckett as Salem, we feel so sorry for what she’s going through and your heart wants things to get better for her. Mr. Clarke is good at showing how brooding Arrow is. He has issues that you hope he can resolve.

One warning might be that there comes a point where your heart almost breaks for what Arrow had to go through growing up. It’s something that does happen so for some it might be a trigger. At points in the story, that feeling sits in the background as I listen to Arrow voice his frustration. Salem seems to have a bubbly personality that sits below the surface because of how she feels that others see her. She also has issues but has some great friends if she’s willing to let them in.

Your experience will be different if you read as opposed to listening to a book. In this case, I think the listening is the way to go. You can’t feel the hurt, the anger, or the passion as good as you can when someone reads to you. Words have a different life when you can put a voice to what you see on a page. As I was writing this review, I found that this is the first in a series so I will be interested to see where the author plans to take her readers.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.