This is the first novel I’ve purchased from TurtleMe and I’ve found his concept both novel and interesting. Also, it was a delight having it performed by Travis Baldree whom I also only recently became aware of through Will Wright’s Cradle series.

Light spoiler:

While overall, I enjoyed the two books, I found that leaving the circumstances surrounding the MC’s immersion in this new reality a bit too secretive even after two books. The MC clearly comes from Earth but it is unknown in what era? The unknown past, sometime in the future or another Earth reality? As to how he found himself in this realm and reality, that, too, is mysterious. While it seems likely that it was due to a virtual reality mechanism, that is still unclear after two books.

Nit-pick: The reference to Prodigal Son (a Christian Biblical account) in this new realm seemed out of place.

Even with the above drawbacks, I did enjoy the novel and will most likely continue with if when/if TurtleMe & Audible produce and release follow-on books in the series.