I want an intelligent MC. He doesn’t need to be perfect but I do want progression and thought out decisions. This is especially important during creating a character and leveling. Frank (a talking ax) is supposed to be a guide and is an ahole. He hates the main character from the beginning and hates magic. He screws with the main and makes him f up his character. I get that the game creator wanted to screw him over but the drama and stupid comments is ruining the story. It’s dumb. Not funny. Starting to think all authors pay for 5 star reviews or the rest of you have no taste.

Now he’s tricked into a mage with dexterity bonus…I’m gonna finish this book and maybe change this but for now this is a very dumb and stressful situation. I would throw that axe away since it’s literally useless for anything can’t even be a weapon and then enjoy my game. F this so far.