I don’t leave many reviews. However you might have noticed something common that runs through 90% of the book reviews . That is the words “plot twist”. This book does not have a “plot twist”. A real plot twist is like 20% twist, 80% plot. A GOOD example is Brandon Sanderson ending of Mystborn.

Anyone who has read it knows what I’m referring and anyone who hasn’t is just a casual fantasy reader. The fact is there has to be more plot then twist. The fact is the MAIN character in this book only says one sentence. And the only actual plot is contained in ONE hour of narrative story. One hour of plot out of SIXTEEN hours of twist. That is simply bad storytelling. Add to that the terrible pacing of the plot where at the ending you finally find out where it starts….and this is just unpleasant to read.

Not only that but the author has written himself into a BLACK HOLE. He might not be aware of it yet but there will be no realalistic way out of the verbal pit he has dug himself. He basically wrote the main Character out of the book.