At first the writing is excellent. The action scenes are great, the character building is believable and it’s an enjoyable story. With this in mind it could be the story for you. “Spoilers after this point” You might enjoy it if you enjoy building an attachment to the main characters just for them to die. They don’t just die but they do so in a way that the author has to lie to the reader.

I always find it offensive when a writer tricks their readers. They do so by telling the story in a perspective with details that could have never been known. This tricks the readers into believing something they don’t expect. This is especially jarring after spending seventeen chapters reading a personal perspective of a character only to be told “fooled you, he died!”. A dozen other characters lived through the first book, yet it gives the perspective of one that didn’t.

Chapter eighteen is a new book about new characters, if they die I don’t know because “Fool me once”.