When an audible version of a book, any book, makes me laugh so hard I can’t breathe I know it’s a winner.

This one did that so many times I lost track. And by ‘one’ I mean these three books as this is books 1-3 in the Space Team-iverse.

Not giving anything away here, but Cal really needs to understand danger much, much quicker because one such laugh-till-I-gasped-for-breath encounter with a fuzzy orange space squirrel pretty much sums up his entire outlook on this strange new world he finds himself in.

The naming conventions are another bit of brilliance as evidenced in book 2…I mean just look at the title.

I’ve already paid FULL price for book 4, so I think the author owes me. I’ll take a never-ending supply of Cal, Misette, Mech, Loren, and Splurt as payment, thankyouverymuch.