Full disclosure: I haven’t read (or listened to) any of the previous books in this universe, so that may color my views. However, I absolutely hated the narrator’s pompous drawl – it just didn’t seem to suit the characters’ personalities or settings. I felt like it would have been better suited for British Regency high society or something.

The book felt very much like a straight woman writing for her own personal fantasies; I realize I know nothing about the author’s actual sexuality and I could be completely off-base, but the odd features of both men’s dicks and their instant refractory periods just felt very “personal fantasy”-ish. In addition, it’s stated up front that the two men don’t know each other personally very well, only in what they’ve seen during the previous battles, when the dragons came to Earth, etc, they just find each other hot. And yet they’re declaring their live and intent to be together forever and have children within 2 weeks? I did note the mention of soul bonding, but it all felt very insta-love without any real evidence to back it up.

The dragons and their inability to filter anything that comes out of their mouths *was* truly hilarious, though.

Anyway, like I said, maybe because I had no previous exposure to the series, but I also can’t say I really am remotely interested in reading more. *shrug*. I seem to be in the minority here, so, as always, YMMV.