Ok, I am almost to the end of the third book now and I likely will not continue with the next one.

Why you ask?

This series could easily be condensed into maybe two books? There is so much “Military” filler and very little story for the money.

The reader although not as bad as many, has a very narrow dynamic character range. He also, (this is also the producer’s fault), miss-pronounces many words and sometimes with catastrophic results.

Example: I live in Japan so I know – the name is pronounced “Oh he row” (roll the r into a slight “l” as you say it but NOT “Oh hear oh” – Please! Do a bit of research before you decide on how to say words – especially when they are foreign words.

Example: It’s pronounced “Par-leigh” not “Parlee”

And the name of the main ship in the series is “Thesis” – means approximately “from / of god” but when you slip and say it “Fecius” – well that just a “s**t*” mistake. Slow down and edit producers!

Unfortunately I must agree with other reviewers that the storyline is very shallow. The exploration of social space issues is thin and not well developed – or not deep enough that I want to care enough? And as others have said, this story moves SO SLOW!

The reader, again not totally bad, but along with the weak storyline filled with all this military conversation at the cost of other more compelling potiential, gives the work what I would say is minimal on “heart”. I’m not compelled to care about the characters very much and I am tired with all the over explained (over and over again) military tech.

Lastly, I don’t review “all” the books I read but this series, I feel I have an obligation to warn people about what they are getting into. Some like this kind of thing, but this type of writing and presentation is not a compelling listen for me.