Let me start by saying I read this before listening to the audio. And it wasn’t until I listened to the audio that I truly appreciated the second half of the duet. I always enjoyed the beginning. That all consuming first love. The love where everything is new and exciting and sometimes leaves you on your face. That love you still sometimes think about fondly. The first half is the bliss of falling and the second half is what happens after you land.
About the second half. I really love the nod to Red Phoenix’s Bries’s Submission series. I immediately knew we were talking about Master Anderson and his whip work IYKYK. But this is a truly a great introduction for all the guys and their future books. Seven has so much personality and Doc is a stern warm hug. But there is something so special about an OTT J/P man and his grovel. And I needed Corbin to grovel. So much healing, forgiveness and acceptance in the second book. And the audio just really brings that to life in a way the ebook didn’t.
Ada Sinclair was wonderful. Super easy to listen to and nails the voice from new adult to adult. Logan took me out of the listening experience at times but once I found the right speed I enjoyed it more.
Absolutely check your triggers. You’re going to get hit with a traumatic event early on.