First Light is the final book in the Enter Darkness saga, and sadly it ends with more of a whimper than a bang. After the way the last book ended I was expecting things to really hit the ground running in this one, but the pacing just felt way off in this one. So many odds things got brought up that just seemed to come out of left field. The revelations on Anna’s past kind of seem like something we should have learned long ago, would have helped to understand her odd behavior. I don’t want to get into any kind of story spoilers but I will say Brad’s dad’s action/motivations just didn’t make any sense to me. Also the community Brad runs into just didn’t feel believable. So while I definitely enjoyed the series, this last book just missed the mark a bit for me.

As always, I thought Andrew Wehrlen’s narration was great.

I was given a free review copy of this audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this unbiased review.