Wowza. This is one huge book collection. 87 hours is three and a half days. That is like starting on Monday and finishing on Thursday with no breaks. That alone makes it worth the singular credit that you spend on this massive tome of excellence. Oh, did I say excellence? Yes, indeed I did.

Let me Start off with talking about Naramore’s narration. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well from the Sensation series by Kevin Hardman. I have long respected his work, and to be frank he is the reason that I found this book. I was looking through other books he had narrated, and found this baby. I was interested when I saw it was a complete collection, then I read the description and thought, “Holy Crap, this is right up my alley!” Then I saw how frikkin long it was was and realize what a steal I’d be getting. I said, hmmm cool story, Naramore, and days worth of listening. So I couldn’t pass this up. Naturally, Naramore lives up to my expectations. He brings each character to life from the wiseacre captain to the drunk mechanic. You will really get to know them by the end of this book. When they are gone you will wonder where your friends have gone, because you will have logged some serious time. Enough time that you will feel like an honorary member of the crew.

Now as for the story, Morin brings this to life to a point that you will feel like the crew and their exploits really happen in a galaxy far far away. Of course you’ll feel that way when you see they have a space wizard. That not withstanding this has more of a Firefly feel to it than anything else, since they are smugglers but in the same breath I could call this the extended crew of the Millenium Falcon sans Han and Chewy. Every character is interesting, and has a great back story that comes out during the series.

I will say that the writing is great, and there is action aplenty, and many a close call for the crew to narrowly avoid (sometimes not so unscathed). The plots are fast paced, and riveting in that they will really hold your attention. My problem was I had to keep shutting down, and not wanting to do so. It was hard to find a break or lull that I could happily quit for the night and not wonder what was going to happen next.

This is a wonderful series, and it is well worth the single credit it takes to buy it. I can’t stress how fun and exciting the series actually was for me. If you like sci-fi or have the smuggler’s blues then this is the series for you. This is for fans of Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek, and even BattleStar Galactica. You will not go wrong with this series. Don’t miss out!!! Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. In fact, getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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