Finding home is the story of two people who meet at a time in their lives when they need each other the most. Michelle Allows Trent to live at her apartment building after he is released from jail as a favor to her father who was Trent’s cell mate for five years. Trent and Michelle both have troubled pasts and find solace in each other, Trent protects Michelle from an obsessive tenant who has been stalking her and then helps her overcome her past trauma. This book is raw and emotional at times, Trent and Michelle’s romance is very sweet and they are both very supportive of each other, I enjoyed the suspense and the story had a couple of really good plot twists. I did think it was a bit unrealistic that Michelle and the other tenants from her building pretty much instantly accepted Trent into their lives after he was released from jail I would have like to see a bit more of a build up to these relationships.