Dakota Willink never ceases to amaze me with her storytelling. The Sound of Silence is a suspenseful, dark romance about a woman named Gia. Gia finally finds love to find out it is never the kind you want. She finds herself in a controlling, abusive relationship but in the end finds happiness. Reading of her struggles, courage, and perseverance really pulled at my heartstrings. While nothing to this severity, this reminded me of my own story. As a teenager, I found myself for 4 years, in an abusive, controlling relationship. I allowed this behavior because I thought I loved him and that he loved me. He would be a different person behind closed doors, but then find ways to weasel himself back into my heart every time. It wasn’t until I was 18 that I had had enough of feeling like I wasn’t worth anything. About a year later, I met an amazing man who I now call my husband. Like Derek (Gia’s saving grace), my husband was very patient with a girl who was broken. However, he saw something in me that I thought I had lost – a woman who deserved to be loved and cared for with respect. So, thank you Dakota Willink for writing this amazing story of survival – I truly believe that it gives hope to those individuals out there that are struggling with similar experiences, and hopeful it will also give them enough courage to find a different path because they are all worth it.