A few weeks ago our District had Zach Mercurio come speak with our department. He speaks good things with different veiw points even though its difficult for many to “drink the Koolaid” and get past their own mindset.

If I’ve learned anything about my new employment this past year it’s to surround yourself by others who drink the same Koolaid and together find and together help each other push your daily purpose.

Your purpose is not the same as “what’s the meaning of life”, but “why do you wake up and do what you do”. And what you do should not be the simple answer of “to collect a paycheck” because that paycheck will never be large enough for most of us to make you “happy” during your daily routine. If I’ve learned anything that will only bring you down further because your paycheck does not pay for what you spend most of your waking life doing, I will never be a race car driver or fabricator.