I had started reading this very compelling book when my vacation travel plans had changed. Instead of flying, I now needed to drive to my friends parish in North Carolina, more than 17 hours away. I thought this would be a great way to occupy my time traveling by listening to this wonderful book during the drive. Well that’s what I thought, at first, until I started listening. I was immediately stunned from what I hearing. I only kept with it (for nearly six hours) because of the subject matter, but I was shocked (and then slowly getting upset and distracted) by how poorly this was produced.

Shame on you TAN books. You’re a very reputable Catholic Publishing company. How did you allow the amount of mispronunciations into this audio publication? The way you proof text for misspellings, someone should have caught these commonly spoken, but poorly pronounced words. In all fairness, it sounded like a “cold read” from a young adult seeing text she never read before, or never heard before, and never pronounced before, but still managed to pushed herself through the sentence to get to the end. Unbelievable. Performance was very choppy, having staccato pronunciation and diction, and very hard to listen to (or understand) at times.

TAN books, please re-publish this title with a new reader… Maybe someone who is familiar with the subject matter or religious terminology would be helpful, too. Thanks.