The more I get to know Him, to understand his motivations, the more I like him. He is a man of action, protective and strong. I don’t know why, but that’s how I picture Kevin Pierce the narrator…I guess that’s why I appreciate anything he reads so very much. His mother, Nana, reminds me of those whose lives have been sooo full of good things, that they have little to no tolerance for the very thought of something bad happening. People like that tend to think they know what’s best for everyone else, and that they can legislate human behaviour if they put up enough legal fences. Like legislating salt usage because some people have health problems from overuse…now, because our brains need salt, brain injuries have skyrocketed!! SMH, unfortunately, because they don’t know much about how the victims of so-called unacceptable behavior cope, learn and grow OR that victimizers “benefit” from those legislated fences, they often become “collaborators” during hard times. Law-abiding folks become “chained” by the legal fences. Those that don’t follow the law couldn’t care less about the legal fences…in fact, victimizers love those fences because fences keep those they want to victimize all in 1 place, at 1 time, with too few guardians to protect them. It’s like having hundreds of sheep without horns or even a few Rams alongside 50+ chickens with maybe 1 rooster all fenced into the same area, expecting 1 dog to watch ALL of them 24/7. Lambs are going to get loose or hide where they aren’t noticed, while chicks are small enough to get out and run several directions. There’s only 1 dog who has to eat, sleep/rest sometimes and physically can’t be 4-5 different places all at 1 time. Something’s going to get eaten, something injured, and if a wolf pack comes, even the overwhelmed dog will be attacked. These humans, like Nana, don’t understand that unrestricted authority is often abused!!

The fact that this story brings out such strong reactions in me shows just how well written it is. Starting the next book now!!