I will tell you straight off the bat, the best part of this is the opening chapter. Then followed by the last chapter. This story doesn’t get any better then its start.

It’s filled with lots of back story and lots of setup. It might pay off in the future, but the payoff here is unfulfilling. This feels like that extra prequel book of a series that is written after the established series becomes successful. There is very little action, just those big key events to setup other things.

The narrator has one good voice. The majority are a bit monotone, that might be intentional to go with the characters, but is still annoying after extended periods.

I struggled to finish this and had to break it up with other books. I will not be trying the 2nd book in the series as I’d rather dedicate my time to something else. If you’re still tempted to try this series it’s prob best if you immediately buy the 2nd book in the series. Maybe it gets better there.