The performance is great. I picked it up because my roommate recommended it, but I wish he was further in the story before he told me about it.

I really enjoyed the beginning of the story with the mimic and Damon’s interactions. Pretty much everything up until he leaves the dungeon was great.

Then, Damon just started getting everything handed to him for no reason. Example: All the loot from the storage bracelet.

The story fell apart for me at chapter 15/16 when Damon meets a random person in the woods (Christian), who is actually insane, and just starts hanging out with him because he helped him fight some people. Feels like when playing a game of DnD when you introduce a new player, and just add them to the party. In a story there needs to be more character interaction.

At one point Christian just stares at Damon like he knows something. Damon suspects what he’s thinking…but they never tell the reader what that is. So we’re just left in the dark.

Another weird thing that happens is Damon doesn’t know a lot of things about low level stuff. Even though he’s an experienced dungeon delver. Like he chose low level quests from the adventures guild, but knows nothing about the monsters he’s going to track down and kill. Why doesn’t he know more about the world he lives in???

These examples and a lot more is why I can’t finish it.

TL:DR – Awesome mimic and performance. Story leaves readers guessing. MC doesn’t seem to know much about the world, even though he’s experienced.