I am only at around 20% of the book, but i need to comment of its…. Forced/odd rules

I know sometimes an author has to… Make  things happen, or force some rules on the situation, so the story can go where the author want.

But in this case, i think the author try to force something, it made me felt the whole situation… Forced, or odd.

The very first thing i feel forced is the gods/deity. They totally come out of nowhere. I can’t believebthe author do a deus ex machina in the middle of story.

the protagonist log out to avoid certain death, and she woke up with strangers in her room, she reacted as most people would to strangers suddenly appear in their room, but when they say they are gods and pull her back to the game, wanting herbto be their champion, she just accept it.

A normal, modern person would at least in denial for a bit: “but… Gods don’t exist” or “ok, dev team, stop playing”, or “nope, i just want to play game, dont get me into this champion thing. ”

The protagonist just kinda rolled with it, she did not object, and started doing research and stuff.

The second odd thing is: the protagonist did not riase alarm to her team/friends. The protagonist seems to be a team leader of an online guild. We only saw her best friend Alice. I liked it when they compare notes. It sounds like what experienced player would do. 

When something like a God show up that can control and forced player to go in and out of the game  and appear out of thin air, protagonist did not raised ANY alarm to any of her friedns or report to the news/developer. She just gave an half-assed reason of “nobody will believe me if i talk”

The most important odd thing is the protagonist don’t talk to her friend Alice about the consequence of being a human Champion 

After learning the ultimatum from the human empire, it is either sacrifice her friend, alice, or herself to the human, the gods told the protagonist something about not tell her friend, alice. and also, iris, one of the godness, send an email to her to not to tell alice.

Or else what? What is stopping protagonist from telling alice, her dearest friend, to warn her about the bad fate in front of her?

A normal human reaction would be: f*** that, gods or no gods,, Imma gonna tell the world about this and ask all the player to boycott this human empire! my life or my friend’s life is at stake!

It felt really weird and cold for the protagonist who did not at least try to reach out to her good friend to warn her about the consequence of being a human’s champion.

In the old days, people love to watch opera, sometimes the stories ended with “Thus god come and solve all the problems for everybody”, we now call this lazy story writing “deus ex machina”. This story… really deus ex machina hard. The gods sounded more like management team than actual gods. They come to solve the conflict between the protagonist and the demon king when there was an misunderstanding, they made out weird rules for their subjects to follow (must get a champion, but did not specify why and what the champion need to do exactly, the champion must tour both sides before making a decision). Some rules seems to be added last minute or spontaneously by the author without previously mentioned (if you don’t choose to be human champion, we will choose alice as human champion). the godness personally come and collect protagonist soul so she can tour the human place. The story never explain why the gods are playing this game.

The time limit/due date is REALLY flexible, at first, the godness say she can only give the protagonist at most 1 day to consider, after the protagonist made her decision,  the demon king said he need 1 week in human world. and the godness agreed and sent them to human world. So…. the time is actually flexible? It just felt weird and suddenly the 1 day due date become irrelevant.

I think i might continue the story. see if i can swallow the rest. or not, maybe i will refund for credits

edit: just read a bit more, turns out the protagonist will tell her friend over a dinner. it felt really weird to wait for a dinner to discuss something so important and dire. just tell her immediately through the phone!