goodness this book was amazing! Steve Jackson wtf into wonderful detail on a lot of stories of heard about on old episodes of forensic files, and gave details and insight pregnant unknown. I was officially taken with the Michelle Wallace case which granted Necro Search International their first successful body find.

the Chilton from The Pig Purple to NecroSearch Intestinal was amazing the way that these scientists and law enforcement officials came together to use multi disciplines to find the dead as well as research meticulously how the decomposition process can make the finding of clandestine graves an easier processes is a restaurant to just how, frankly, fucking cool humans are.

if you love science, true crime, and justice this is a great book.

and, of course, Kevin Pierce’s narration was beautiful. that man could read a takeout menu and I’d buy it. he always adds so much depth and respect to the story, to the people, and is fantastic as usual.