This was my first book written by KD Robichaux and I am questing myself how is this my first book written by KD Robichaux. I loved everything about this book, from her wonderful writing style to the characters and storylines she created, to the perfectly cast narrators who bring it all to life from the pages to your ears. It is an original story told in a unique way, a before and after telling, which makes up the duet. The characters are realistic, easy to relate to and connect with, they are easy to like and care about too. The first part of the book ā€œBefore the Lieā€ is the telling of how Vivian ā€œViā€ Brown, a naĆÆve, sweet girl and Corbin Lowe, meet and fall in love. Vi, a high school senior, found her love for rock climbing when she was a freshman. She spends all her free time at ā€œRock Onā€ rock gym. Corbin, an Army Specialist, takes a new Private there to climb. The owner of the gym asks Vi to show them the ropes. There was an instant attraction between Corbin and Vi, he knew he had to have her and was happy to hear she was 18. He has a dark past, and he has never been with a girl like Vi, who had an innocence about her and he knew he needed to take things slow with her. These two were great together and for each other. They were soulmates and the two lovebirds get married to live their HEA. While Corbin is deployed overseas, Vi, who always has to look out for others, helps the wrong person and her life is forever changed, and Vi being Vi does a selfless act and hides the truth from Corbin, not thinking it would be the end of their marriage. The story jumps ten years for the second part of the duet ā€œTruth Revealedā€. Both Corbin and Vi have interesting careers, careers that will eventually bring them into each otherā€™s world again. I loved how everything played out in this book, the story is brilliantly plotted with plenty of drama, emotions that pour off the pages, a few gut-wrenching scenes that nearly tore my heart out, some angst, twists and turns and steamy romance. I highly recommend this book and it is best to go in knowing as little as possible because the author takes you on a journey, Corbin and Viā€™s journey. KD Robichaux, thank you for this amazing story and emotional rollercoaster ride. I hope to see or rather hear more of your books on audio soon.

šŸŽ§šŸ“ššŸŽ§ And for the amazing narration, Ada Sinclair and Logan McAllister are talented narrators and versatile voice artists. They had a complete understanding of the characters they portrayed, gave each a voice that fit the characterā€™s persona to a tee, sounding believable in every role they played and just as I pictured the characters to sound. Ada Sinclair played Vi with perfection, captured her innocence and her every emotion. Logan McAllisterā€™s Corbin was a badass who was not afraid to show his softer side. They were great at performing the roles of the secondary characters as well. Both are entertaining storytellers and their vocal performances complemented each other. Thank you for this wonderful listen.