This is my first ‘Omegaverse’ and consider me wowed, I went in blind, not knowing what exactly it meant. It was written by Sara Fields so I knew I would like it, knew it would be interesting and hot. And I was not disappointed, the book captivated me from start to end. Sara Fields created an imaginative world with equally imaginative characters and storylines. The world dynamics are interesting, the whole concept of alpha, beta’s and omegas, as well as the living in the protected city, the suppression as well as the wilderness. I really liked these characters, Raven, she hid her Omega keeping it suppressed because that is the way of the world. Alex her teammate and only other surviver when the team was attacked while on a mission in the wilderness. With their suppressant meds destroyed their Alpha and Omega surface and can not longer control their urges. Two other alpha’s join in too, Wolf and Ivan making for some hot kinky scenes. I loved the plot twists in this book, as well as the drama, angst, suspense and action that takes you to the edge of your seat. Thank you Sara Fields for this great story and for introducing me to your OmegaVerse, I am looking forward to what comes next in this series.
I listened to the Audible edition, Sarah Puckett and Sebastian Reynolds are terrific narrators and voice performers. They bring these characters to life, give each their own voice and personality. They did a great job projecting the emotions of the characters as well as the drama of the story into their performance. They really did these characters justice, Sarah’s take on Raven was pure perfection, transforming a brilliant scientist to a desperate women with raw need. Sebastian’s take on the alpha’s was great too. They are entertaining storytellers and a pleasure to listen to. Thank you for this great listen?
Thank you ?@AudiobookObsession Audiobook Obsession Reviewer?