I loved this story! Enemies to loves is definitely one of my favorite tropes, because I am a sucker for a good backstory. While Madison and Sutter haven’t been enemies their whole lives, they certainly clashed a lot at the beginning of this story. It definitely showed us a lot about them and what was important. Interestingly enough, it also showed just how much they had in common. I was dying for them to see it! And when they did, it was fantastic. Just enough back and forth to keep it interesting without dragging it out with unnecessary angst.

I was a total sucker for Sutter. While he may have had a tough exterior at times, he had a heart of gold and I fell hard for him! As the book went and we learned more about him, I just fell harder and harder. When he was with Madison, the connection couldn’t be denied. I was cheering them on the whole way!

The narration was fantastic as well. All the emotion came through, and once I started listening I couldn’t stop!

This was the first I read in this series, but it worked well as a standalone. However, I now want to go back and see what else I’ve missed!