- Would you listen to Morningwood: Everybody Loves Large Chests (Vol.1) again? Why?
- Yes, just to see the progression of our main character again.
- Who was your favorite character and why?
- The main character was hillarious also “Snack” was funny!
- What does Jeff Hays bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book?
- He makes an amazing job. There are sound effects, crowds, etc. Lots of extra work was put into this.
- Did you have an extreme reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry?
- At one part in the book the main character eats it’s familiar somewhere around 35 times and we follow the thoughts of this familiar. I laughed so hard at this. Also some parts are very funny written like “It would be the chestiest chest that ever chested” and Jeff makes these part all the funnier.
- Any additional comments?
- Read it, absolutely worth your time. It’s silly, different and really entertaining!
Review from Everybody Loves Large Chests →