Kelly McCullough’s quite the ladies man and that suits him just fine! He’s not ready to settle down and he’ll be the first one to admit he’s just not marriage material! At least that’s what he tells himself. Ashlynn Fisher has loved Kelly since grade school, but she’s an innocent and totally inexperienced in the ways of love. She certainly NOT the type Kelly would choose to settle down with! At least that’s what she tells herself! Irish Rogue is a brilliantly written, fantastically narrated, perfectly balanced masterpiece centered around the McCullough family. The plot is loaded with a few “sub plots” in addition to the main event, but no worries, all is well explained, clear, and everything moves along with a smooth even flow. There are the more serious, darker moments that real couples and real families face, and a nice amount of angst tossed in as well! There are also lighter moments that are brilliantly laugh out loud funny! The McCullough family characters had me in hysterics. They are so well developed! They remind me of the old neighborhood! Irish Rogue is one hundred percent guaranteed to make you mad, make you cry, make you swoon, make you laugh, and pull out all the feels. I loved it! Five stars!