I absolutely loved this book. The narration was perfection. And the information was interesting and extremely thorough. I am an avid true crime fan but never really dug into the Delphi case. I was intrigued by the details and occasional theorizing given by the author. I especially enjoyed the moments when Nic gave some history regarding the True Crime Garage and its beginnings. And the bombshell info about The Captain. I had never known they were related. I came away from listening feeling even more connected to Nic and The Captain. It felt like Nic let his guard down a bit and shared a bit of himself in a vulnerable way. I have been a fan of the podcast for awhile now, but after listening to this book I feel even more connected to the show. I also was impressed with the ease of flow of the story telling even though there has not been a resolution to the case. I’m looking forward to another book once the trial is over and more details are known. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a first time author. Sometimes people get a taste of fame and notoriety and think they have a golden touch even in areas they have no business diving into. This is NOT the case with this book. It was well done, interesting and easy to listen to. And this is coming from the queen of shutting off books that bore or annoy me in someway. I was engrossed from the minute Kevin Pierce started talking. I hope to listen to many more books written by Nic and narrated by Kevin. They make a great team. Almost as good as the Garage Guys themselves. 😉