4 or 5? 4 or 5? I can’t make up my mind. I can split the difference, sure, but which way to round? Arrrgghh!
Good things: this book made me laugh. It was funny, snarky, and witty. I adored Jude playing the role of an airhead model just to drive Asa, his “employer” crazy. These guys were funny.
More good: I found depth in these characters. And it didn’t hit me all at once. And it wasn’t during the sex scenes. Go figure. This, I liked. The depth, and the sex scenes (which had depth of their own). These characters weren’t the stereotypical actor and model types. Again, good.
Even more good: I liked the kid in the story. Bill worked as a character and helped to anchor Jude.
Why I quibbled with the rating: there wasn’t much of a plot. This was simply a relationship based book. There is nothing wrong with that, I wanted that, I didn’t want a heavy mystery or thriller or some-such.
More quibbling: Jude had a lot of internal monologuing that got to be repetitive towards the end of the book. Jude is no Hamlet, but at least we heard Hamlet’s soliloquies. Jude really got his head up his ass about “relationships” and it felt wrong, it rubbed me raw. I could see what the author was trying to do here with the internal conflict (since there was no external conflict), but it didn’t work for me.
Mini rant: Authors, if you choose to use a foreign language in your text, PLEASE have it proofed by a real person who speaks the language, preferably as their native language. This way you can get not only the spelling correct (which even Google Translate would have done for you), but also the USAGE.
So, 4 or 5? How about a 4.4……I like the two numbers together.
I also really liked this book. It was fun and I loved the cheeky chemistry between Jude and Asa.
(Brief drug use, talk of past drug use, age gap, pet-knapping)