Steven is part of the glue that keeps Mary’s together. Although he’s not been satisfied with the hook ups lately he’s generally happy with his life. That is until he sees his dad on his death bed who begs Steven to give up this “midlife crisis” of queerness and debt and to go back to corporate finance, get married to a woman, and have kids. Even though he knows deep down he’s happy with his life Steven starts to look around and notice that he literally gave up everything and now had none of the financial safety he had before Mary’s.

Ryan, the best friend of Steven’s nephew, comes from a well to do family who sent him to ask the right schools so he could be a week respected painter. But he wasn’t happy and found the life in the painter circle to be something he didn’t want. What did he want? To be a party planner. But until business picks up he works at a funeral home to make ends meet.

Not realizing who Ryan is when they bump into each other at the funeral home when Ryan is putting everything up after the funeral of Steven’s father, things get steamy and wind up with a hook up Ryan has always fantasized about in the parking lot. When Steven realizes who Ryan is he freaks and steps back even though there’s a strong connection. But with the support of his family both blood and adopted he lets Ryan back in for a chance.

Steven has to over come the head games his father left him with. Ryan has to over come the expectations of his parents. Weather they realize it or not they have way more in common than they think. With a little help from the Mary’s crew they need to overcome personal issues to have everything they’ve always wanted.

HEA ending and I absolutely love me a story with a bear. This one is my second favorite of the series.