Re-read via audio and I have to say the narration was excellent. It brought Vala’s story to life. I can’t wait to listen to the rest of this trilogy.

I have always loved JM Miller’s books so I was beyond excited when I heard she was delving into the fantasy genre with not just one book but a whole series. So I was not surprised that I loved this books but I was surprised by how much I loved it. I won’t recap the plot because enough other reviews do that but I will say I found this to be a unique and intriguing storyline from the beginning. It never read slow for me and it pulled me in for the first chapter so I kept turning the pages needing to know more. And Vala was a wonderful character. She’s obviously different but uses that difference to show strength, not just physically but in how she sees herself and her infinite potential as the story progresses. There is this wonderful message that your differences may actually be your greatest asset and it may lead you down paths you never could have imagined before, even opening up new worlds.

The hint of romance in this book was just enough for me. Because of the unique storyline I don’t think the author could give us much more without it seeming forced. Besides Vala needs to focus on self discovery before exploring any one else 😉 I’m sure we will see more exploring in the next book and I can’t wait to read all about it.

There are lots of questions that I am left with at the end of this one but I’m happy it’s not a cliffhanger. And since it’s only book one, I’m ok with that. I’m sure my answer will comen time. So excited for the next installment.
4.5 Stars