Very entertaining and explosive ending.

One thing I cannot believe is that the author writes that the human main character could not stand the stench of something. Then he follows that up with an incredibly stupid thing to say “and even Crusher scrunched up his muzzle in disgust.”

It has been made clear that Crusher is like a huge walking wolf with a snout that is 100’s of times more sensitive than a human. Knowing this you will realize how stupid the author can be at times.

The author makes so many mistakes in his writing, it makes me wonder if anyone else reads his books before they publish them.

Like when he says “the odds are astronomically LARGE that anyone else would know it” when referring to other aliens knowing the written words of an unknown alien race of Earth and its human English language. He should of said SMALL.

In every book he has to say “heap” like 5 times. IE he landed in a heap. So amateurish.

The main character once looked around the galley at empty coffee mugs and trays. If the author was true to his word based on earlier books, this scene would be impossible. As they have cleaning bots in the galley.

I do like how the war bot Lucky’s character grows in every book.

One time someone says, during a space combat scene, that the enemy will come in from the SOUTH. There is no south when in empty space during space combat. One could say to the port side and that would make sense. But the author really does say “south” and I again shake my head at what an amateur writer he is.

His story lines are good, writing not so good.

If you compared the narrator to RC Bray, then this narrator is a 1 out of a perfect 10.