I read this book back in September and was thrilled to receive a copy of the audio book to review. Joe Leslie completely changed my view on audio books. I always thought they’d put me to sleep but his performance of several books I’ve now listened to completely changed that opinion.
When I got the code to download this book I was really sick and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to listen to it. What I discovered though, is while I couldn’t concentrate to read a book, listening to one was an entirely different thing. I was soothed listening to Joel Leslie’s voice and he brought the story back to life for me again. Below is the review I left of the digital book back in September.
When I read the first book in this series, The Alpha King, I didn’t know it would be a series. I was so happy to later learn that Victoria Sue would be writing more stories in this world. You don’t need to have read the Alpha King to enjoy this new story but you really should because it is such a great book.
Victoria Sue loves to put her characters through hell but she never fails to bring them back again. This story contains some pretty graphic descriptions of torture but rest assured that everything comes out OK in the end.
This love story between a human and his sworn enemy, a werewolf, is filled with words that had me laughing, crying, wincing and everything in between. There is no doubt that Taegan and Caleb are meant to be together but at times I wondered how in the world it would ever happen. The Alpha Heir is also filled with love of family and friends and the lengths they will go to in order to protect the ones that they love.
Victoria Sue writes stories that grab my emotions and The Alpha Heir is no exception. I can’t wait for the next one in this series; The Alpha Prince is coming in November.