Honestly i don’t know where to start. Within a day of a terrorist attack in book one, cops are randomly shooting people at a truck stop. Within a week, they are emptying jails and implementing capital punishment without trial. By the time a few weeks go buy in book two, everyone (except our heros) is a killer. FEMA camps are a boogie man and hospitals are failing.
I get the idea of some T’s hitting a number of soft targets in our power grid but a complete collapse where 90 pct of Americans will starve so all out anarchy breaks out? If these are the dreams of the peepers, they need to chill.
In all fairness, I finished book one hoping beyond hope for some sanity. I abandoned this book 2/3rds in when after the doctors fled the hospital. I can’t continue in Mr Horton’s dark universe where only the poor ridiculed preppier can be safe and anything with government of basic human decency needs to be abandoned.
Btw, Mr Horton, research the national petroleum reserve when you get a chance. Look at the generosity of our allies during 9/11. Look at the power our military can provide starting with the corp of engineers. Look around NJ and see the thousands of military electrical generation trucks after Hurricane Sandy. Look at the percentage of the country than get electricity from coal or solar or natgas or wind or hydro that your doomsday ignores. Think of the thousands of large companies that would come to aid the country (or be nationalized if it were that bad).
In your world, is NYC without power? 90 percent of NYC power comes from Nuclear, Nat-has, and Hydro. All still flowing in your scenario. If an a haven’t grid is offline, would it destroy NYC’s grid? No. That scenario played out in 2003 and has been broadly mitigated.
The world can be scary but shave more faith. It would take a lot more than a dozen bad guys with mortars to destroy our way of life.