I truly enjoyed this story and have been thinking about it for three days since I finished it, I will warn you that there are some inconsistencies, some really cheesy parts, and some totally unbelievable things going on; but it is still a great story that captivated me. Joe Harp, the main character is a most likable person. He is a simple automobile mechanic with no military or prepper training, but he becomes a capable leader of a group of people up in the mountains of Oregon. I won’t get into the cheesy stuff, but you certainly will spot them. The main unexplainable aspect is that from the beginning throughout the next seven years, the characters are driving tractors, tanks, and trucks and zooming around in cars and airplanes with no explanation of how they get fuel. I don’t think fuel shortages were ever even hinted at. That’s okay though because the story is very entertaining and I just accepted the availability of fuel. Joe and his gang are extremely lucky as well. They are also ruthless, which they had to be to deal with the bad guys, including Iranian terrorists (I never did figure out why they were there in Oregon). Joe’s gang miraculously find things (food, animals, bunkers and other great stuff). Good for them because it keeps the story moving along without undue angst. Kevin Pierce is great. Sarah Morsey voices Grandma in the reading of her letters, and it is a fun part of the books. “Grandma” also announces the Chapter numbers which is totally unnecessary, jarring, and distracting, Kevin should have done the chapter number announcements, Did I say I loved this story? Well I really did.