This book was overall highly entertaining. The voice acting is wonderful. Annie as Tira is splendid. My favorite by far though is Jeff as Pierre. Listening to him makes me happy. The added sounds are fun. Though the sound used to make the cats’ noises are not my favorite.

I did have issues with some of the terminology as I’m not a big D&D aficionado but I do have enough RPG background that I could follow most of what was going on. The upgrade lists are the most confusing to me over all.

The lack of explaining the world/worlds also was a bit of an annoyance for me. It seemed like there were too many pieces of different genres meshed together in a less than cohesive way.

However the story line and the characters make up for the annoyances tenfold. This book makes you laugh… a lot. It pulls on the heart strings, gets you invested in the characters and seeing how they progress through the story. My 10 year old daughter ended up loving it as well and asked for the second book as soon as the first was over.

If your a mom of a child who loves dinosaurs don’t be surprised if you find yourself singing The Dinosaur Train song and being able to visualize the dinosaurs from watching all the episodes of that cartoon… though the descriptions are well done and if you have any Dino knowledge you should be able to picture them just fun.

Over all loved this book. It took a few chapters but it definitely grew on me. Very interested to see where this series goes.