It’s been a while since I read a book by Tanya Anne Crosby, or in this case, listened to one. All I can say is that it was worth the wait…this book must be the best one so far! The story was fabulous with so much intrigue, back-stabbing, so much angst, but all balanced out with the friendship/romance between the hero of the story Malcolm, and the beautiful Avalon daughter, Elspeth. The magic spoken about in the story was absolutely fascinating, both the evil produced by Elspeth’s mother and the good spells produced by Elspeth in order to heal people or keep them safe.

Add to a truly captivating story you have perfect narration by Joel Froomkin. I was absolutely amazed at his characterisations. The first time he went from a male to a female voice I had to remind myself that it was only Joel performing the parts. Yes, his female voices are fabulous. His accents were fabulous and at one point he was doing a scene between the sisters and each one had the perfect Welsh accent, plus he gave each sister her own timbre of voice so that you knew which sister was which. His Scottish accent was spot on, as was his English. Every voice, every accent was perfect. I can’t even tell you which his real accent is. I am very impressed.