I gotta tell ya these were all exciting books but Reznick didn’t sleep any more than 3 or 4 hours in all five books. He popped Dexedrine like they were M&M’s. That was the most ridiculous thing about this series. And if the CIA was anything like they were in this book then that agency is really, really bad.

Anyway, this was the final book in the Jon Reznick series and overall I thoroughly enjoyed them. This one, however, seemed a little bit repetitive. I remember several times thinking “wasn’t that just said?”

This one was about Reznick trying to get his friend out of an institution where they were brainwashing him, and others, and again it had a CIA agent controlling everything.

There was no romance and the F-bomb was used 100 times.

As to the narration: Jeffrey Kafer was the same in every book; good men’s voices and terrible women’s voices. BUT it was okay since there was no romance.