I should probably preface this by saying that I seriously dislike 1st person present tense. I mean dislike it so much that I can’t make it past the first couple chapters no matter how often I try. So the fact I was able to not only finish but thoroughly enjoy this book is nothing short of amazing.

I’m glad I didn’t listen to the sample snippet because it would have put me off. Joel Leslie, however, is my absolute favourite audiobook performer so I didn’t need to test it. I liked the blurb and love the narrator so I gave it a go.

I am so very glad I did. Joel’s performance enabled me to mostly get past the present tense narrative and totally immersed me in the story. I actually couldn’t stop listening to it and wound up awake all night with it.

I love the snarky interaction between Felix and Lane and I don’t think I’ve laughed so much at a book for a long time. There’s plenty of action and life threatening situations too, so don’t think it’s just some sort of silly Rom Com.

All in all I am very pleased with my purchase and this will most certainly be on my frequent re-listen list.